Friday, January 22, 2010

Get yo filthy ozone up outta here!

Springtime Ozone Increases Above Western North America Linked to Emissions from Abroad

As winter begins to decline and spring weather is in near sight, (well, sorta), that means springtime ozone levels will continue their usual trend of rising. For the longest time, scientists weren't really sure why...until now.

Pollution originating in Asian countries has somehow found its way across Asia, Europe, and the Atlantic Ocean to the United States where officials are now having more trouble than ever enforcing the Clean Air Act. While in the country the air may be at a certain standard, international filth is making that standard a little difficult to keep normal.

US scientists used appx. 100,000 ozone observation crafts to come to the conclusion that although the US certainly adds to the rising ozone levels, the recent increase isn't the fault of the states.

By analyzing different locations of ozone pollution and wind patters, scientists noticed that springtime ozone levels were especially high when prevailing winds came from the East, (when the winds weren't from that direction, ozone levels were still high but not to the same extent).

After further analysis, officials discovered "an overall...increase in springtime ozone of 14 percent from 1995 to 2008" (Science 1). Now, this isn't to say Asia is the reason of this, but this is under further investigation. But for now, we're going to blame them.

I find this article interesting because I always knew an economy was connected internationally, but now I know that the economy's after-products like waste and pollution are too playing a part in global interaction. For every plus, there's a minus. The plus is the international economy (not that it's doing well or anything) and the miuns would be the pollution that is infultrating our air.

Boo ozone.

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