Monday, February 8, 2010

Humidity, and Dew Point

What is Dew Point? Dew point is the temperature at which the air becomes "full" of water and thus precipitates.
How do we measure it? We measure dew point by using a sling psychrometer. You then should be given a chart which shows the difference of dry and wet bulb vs. the dry bulb. It's kinda hard to explain just use the chart she gives us.

Humidity? Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. Cold air does not hold much humidity and vice versa with warm air.
How do we measure it? Fill a can of water and place a thermometer inside, continue to fill the can with ice cubes until condensation is visible on the outside of the can, record temperature on thermometer. Take room temperature and find the difference and use the chart that should be provided. If you can do subtraction and use a simple chart you can figure out the humidity and dew point.

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