Sunday, December 13, 2009

How New Discoveries Could Help Predict Climate Change

So unfortunately I couldn't find much on earthquakes, however I found something I find more important as it affects everyone on the globe. That is, as you probably guessed it, climate change; good thing though that this is some good news. Recently scientist are discovering a way to look at the ocean temperature to predict the climate change of the surface. How are they doing this, you may ask. Well, by creating a 3D model of an ocean from a past warm period and then comparing it to a similar model of a warm period 3.3 million years ago, scientists have discovered that the middle level stayed relatively the same, but that the deepest parts would change climate. More specifically one degree higher than it is now. That's quite impressive that the globe warming isn't just affecting the surface but also the deepest parts of the ocean. But why does this matter? Well by understanding the change in the ocean and comparing to the climate 3.3 million years ago, scientists can use this to again predict future changes. Sorry no picture, not much to see.

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