Sunday, April 18, 2010

Preparing for the Big One

Lately a number of different natural disasters have made headlines in the news, such as the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile.  This brings into discussion once again the predicted "mega-earthquake" that would occur on the San Andreas fault-line located on the western coast of the United States.  Many people are skeptical of this earthquake, but one town in Oregon is going to be prepared if or when it does occur.  Cannon Beach, Oregon has begun discussions of building a tsunami and earthquake-proof tower for an estimated 4 million dollars.  The tower is based off a similar tower in Japan, and will be able to be a safe-haven for up to 1,000 people.  Although Cannon Beach is leading the way in Earthquake/Tsunami safety, awareness is increasing all along the west coast, with signs of what to do in case of disaster posted everywhere.  Experts predict that there is a 37 percent chance that a major earthquake (8.0 magnitude) will hit the west coast within the next 50 years.  A tsunami that occurred in 1964 knocked out the main bridge in Cannon Beach, and right now experts say the city is not well enough protected.  The tower will hopefully change that.

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