Thursday, March 4, 2010

A review on Oceanography

Let's review exciting oceanography!!

Oceanography is the physical, chemical and geological study of oceans (unlike marine biology which focuses on the study of marine organisms).

71% of Earth is covered in water...!

The Pacific Ocean is the deepest and largest ocean and the Indian Ocean is the smallest.


Continental shelf-gently sloping region of continental margin that extends seaward from shoreline to continental shelf break

Submarine Canyon-steep walled, v-shaped canyon that is cut into rocks of continental slope

Abyssal plain-the ocean floor

Seamounts-sharply shaped VS Guyots-rounded

Passive Continental Margin-East coast, gentle slope, not at a plate boundary VS Active Continental Margin-West coast, steep slope, tectonic activity.

YAYY now you're ready to ace the oceanography portion of the test!!

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