Thursday, October 29, 2009

When North Becomes South

Migratory birds, as well as many other animals, are able to actually sense the magnetic field of the earth. John B. Phillips of Blacksburg, professor of biology at Virginia Tech University claims that "A fascinating possibility is that they may actually see the earth's magnetic lines as patterns of color or light intensity superimposed on their visual surroundings.” Phillips conducted numerous experiments in which he found that the earth's magnetic field is sensed by light-absorbing molecules in the retina of a bird's' eye. Animals have developed specialized visual systems to the extent that some can see ultraviolet and polarized light.

When the magnetic field reverses, Phillips and other scientists worry about what how birds will cope. Some believe that the directional messages will still be transmitted as normal, however, Phillips believes there could be “some detrimental problems.” Looks like radiation exposure isn’t the only thing we are going to have to worry about…a reversal of earth’s magnetic field could also make Alfred Hitchcock’s movie The Birds into a reality.

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool that birds can do that! I wonder how they figured out that they could detect the magnetic field
