Wednesday, October 14, 2009

10 Things I Bet You Didn't Know!

Did you know that the Taj Mahal built between 1632 and 1654 in India is made entirely out of marble?

Did you know feldspars make up more than 50% of the Earth's crust?

Did you know that basalt is the most common rock on Earth?

Did you know that quartz is one of the most common minerals on Earth?

Did you know the first recorded use of turqouise dates back to 5000 BC in Mesopotamia, where people used the gem to make beads?

Did you know that ancient Eqyptians used powdered lapis lazul as eye shadow?

Did you know that jade, due to its toughness, has been used for many cultural tools like hammers, fish hooks, and stone axes?

Did you know that the first geologist on the moon was Harrison Schmitt who was part of the Apollo 17 mission?

Did you know that gold is so soft and easily worked that you could roll an ounce of it into a hair-thin wire 50 miles long?

Did you know that the biggest pure-gold nugget was found in Australia in 1869 and weighed 156 pounds?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! And I love your bullet points - you will have to show me how you did that!
