Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rock & Mineral Quiz Review

Potentially more beneficial to me than to the viewer...

  • naturally occuring
  • homogeneous
  • inorganic
Defined by their:
  • color
  • luster; subvitreous (less than glass), earthy (dull), greasy (oil), pearly, silky
  • streak
  • crystal structure
  • cleavage
  • density; m/v
  • hardness; Moh's Scale applicable
  • magnetism; only applicable to magnetite
  • acid rxn; proof of calcite
  • taste; salty for proof of halite
Commonly found in buildings, food storage/preparation, radios, toasters, microwaves, blackboards, clocks, cell phones, fertilizers, and food.


  • composed of one or more minerals
  • classified by their origin/formation ------->
1.) Igneous: solidification of magma/lava
categorized by
  • grain size ---> intrusive(inside Earth, slowly formed) visible vs. extrusive (Earths exterior, quickly formed) not visible
  • mineral content---> felsic (feldspar, silica) light vs. mafic (magnesium, iron) dark
Other; vesicular= holes from hot gas trapped inside

EX) basalt, rhyolite, gabbro, diorite, granite, obsidian, scoria, pumice, tuff

2.) Sedimentary: formed from existing rock sediments, compaction/cementation
-lithification; compacts/cements together to harden
categorized by content
fragmental (clastic) grain size--> energy of the environment formed*


organic (bioclastic): animal remains/fossils

Other; Chemical- rock salt by evaporation

EX) Clastic; conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, siltstone, shale
Bioclastic; limestone, halite, coal, gypsum

*energy level correlates to grain size; high energy large grain, low energy small grain

2.) Metamorphic: Igneous of sedimentary rock changed by heat/pressure deep below Earth's surface. Exposed by plate shifts and mountains

categorized by foliation/banding (light/dark layers)

& grain size; fine, medium coarse

EX) foliated; slate, schist, gneiss
nonfoliated; marble*, anthracite, quartzite

*reacts with acid due to calcite content