Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12, 2009

(Pictures in order as discussed below)

The first activity we did in class was using the computers to Build Your Own Virtual Volcano. By using the website we were able to alter the amount of viscosity and gas each volcano received. After watching the eruptions we saw able to distinguish between the different volcano types. Characteristics of a shield volcano were low viscosity and an effusive eruption resulting in a low danger level. Cinder cones typically had medium-low viscosity and a range of gas pressure. Stratovolcanoes came from high viscosity and high gas. We then reviewed the homework from last night; Volcano Types WOrksheet. The only examples of Cinder Cone were Paricutin and Sunset Crater. The examples of a shield were Kilauea, and Mauna Loa (any in the Hawaiian islands), and Surtesy.
This activity lead into a lecture regarding Types of Volcanoes/ Nature of Summit. Space provided for the information in our yellow packet titles VOLCANOES!.

Cinder Cones;

most basic yet rare
volcano breaks into fragments after erruption that fall and solidify as cinders around the vent


explosive/effusive eruptions
classic example of a volcano
builds in layers of ash and sediments
lava flow is slow and hardens to create steep slope (high viscosity)

Shield Volcanoes;

giant hill, with no peak
form over hot spots
low viscosity forming a large hill type feature
so large at times is pushing the plates down


large depression created by collapse of volcano
vent in middle to release gas
geyser and hot springs present
example; Yellow Stone

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