Monday, November 30, 2009

Volcano Quiz review

We will review for the test tomorrow by reviewing the quiz we took earlier.

1. This type of volcano forms by a series of alternating lava flows and pyroclastic explosions
- Stratovolcano
2. A volcano that has not erupted for hundreds of years, but will again is called a _____
- Dormant volcano
3. Mt Saint Helens is a ____ volcano
- Strato
4. What characterizes a strombolian eruption?
-Lava sprays
5. What evidence suggests Kilauea's past eruptions were explosive?
-Tephra scattered far around it
6. What would either be a type of volcano or example or an actual volcano not made of basalt?
- Cinder Cone
7. Along what type of boundary would you not expect an active volcano?
8. What combo of viscosity and magma type is associated with a composite volcano?
-High viscosity, rhyolitic
9. A gradually sloping volcano is a called a _____

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