Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Question 2

The rock cycle is how rocks form and become different rocks. They start out as igneous rocks because they come out of the ground as magma. the different types are created by cooling time. then after the rocks face the elements of Earth they weather down and become sediment. This sediment creates sedimentary rocks when the sediment layers and cements. Sometimes sedimentary rocks go back into the earth and are heated to form metamorphic rocks. Then these metamorphic rocks can become sedimentary rocks or go back into the Earth, melt and become igneous again. This is the rock cycle. It is hard to find ancient rocks because they have mostly gone through the cycle again and again, therefore are no longer the same rocks. There are rocks that have not gone through the cycle and are still the same rocks that were found in the precambrian or other ancient times but these can be hard to find. The rock cycle recycles rocks therefore it can be hard to find rocks from ancient times.

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