Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rock and Mineral Test Review

Hello everybody! I thought it would be nice to have all of the diagrams and flowcharts in one place, so here you go:

so this is a chart that will help to classify all of the rocks...

This diagram of the rock cycle applies to all of the different rock types

Now, don't forget about minerals! Just a quick overview of what you use to classify minerals. Color: determine what color it is from the outside
Streak: the streak isn't always the same as the outside color, you find the streak by rubbing it against a specified material
Luster: it is either metallic or non-metallic - depending on how much it shines
Hardness: using the Mohs Scale of Hardness you can approximately determine the hardness
Cleavage: the degree of how much/easily it breaks apart in flakes
Magnetism: if it is magnetic
Reaction to acid: if the mineral reacts to a low concentration of HCL

Hope this helps, and good luck everyone!

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