Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cost of Coal

Coal, a sedimentary rock, is a natural resource, but it is also used for energy. Because we burn so much coal, there is only so large of a supply, and so high of a demand. This causes the price to be high. But when we use coal for energy, it's costing much more than just money. Coal, when burned, produces large amounts of CO2, which is polluting our environment and one of the causing factors of global warming. Now, governments around the world are tossing around the idea of building carbon storage tanks. These tanks would capture the CO2 burned by the coal and prevent it from reaching the atmosphere. Many countries worry that this would cost way too much (some estimates in the trillions of dollars) and would cause them to produce less energy. Right now, China is the country that is closest to building these CO2 containers. If they become successful, this may prove to be a solid plan for other countries around the world to follow.

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