Saturday, October 17, 2009

Field Trip Script (Chicago Cultural Center)


Emily Golden and Kaitlin Mogentale

1. The Chicago Cultural Center was built in 1893 by the Sherply, Rutan and Coolidge firm. The architects were C.A. Coolidge and Robert C. Spencer.

2. This firm built over 30 different buildings, but the ones in Chicago are:
-the Franklin MacVeagh residence
-the Chicago Public Library that is now the cultural center
-the Art Institue of Chicago
-the Medill/McCormick residence
-master plan for University of Chicago
-the National Republican Bank

3. The building is made from a 3 ft. thick masonry wall with bedford bluestone and a granite base.

4. This rock (granite) as an igneaus rock.

5)Characteristics of this specific rock type.
The Chicago Cultural Center was made out of a granite base. Granite is an igneous rock, it is felsic (light colored) with a coarse texture. Granite is intrusive, which means it contains large visible crystals. The building also contained some marble inside, which is a metamorphic rock. Marble can be fine grained and also contain larger grains. It is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock.

6) How did this rock form?
Granite is formed from minerals rich in silicon and aluminum like quartz. Because granite is an intrusive, igneous rock, it formed from magma and experienced slow cooling inside the Earth. Marble formed from the metamorphism of limestone or dolostone. The process of limestone turning into marble required large amounts of heat without actually melting the rock.

7) Historical/ Architectural significance of the building.
The building is significant because it houses the city's official reception venue where the mayor welcomes Presidents, royalty, diplomats, and community leaders. It was the nation's first free municipal cultural center and used to be a library. It is one of Chicago's most popular attractions. Each year this center features over 1,000 programs and exhibitions for the arts.

8) Interesting facts about the Chicago Cultural Center.
For planning in the future, it's nice to know that you can get married here! You can also apply to perform at any of the musical events sponsored, including the Chicago SummerDance. You can also apply to set up an art exhibit at the center.

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