Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Prehistoric Mammal Found in China

So it turns out that people are still discovering new animals. By this I mean traces of past animals and animals that are still around today. Anyways a group of paleontologists has discovered a new prehistoric mammal in the Chinese province of Liaoning. Well who cares? I tell ya who cares! Every known scientist cares duh! This new mammal is giving scientists new insight on the evolution of the ear. The ear?!?! Yep the ear. Through studying this mammal's ear scientists are finding the ear to be rather different than most mammals of today. One of the key details of mammals are their insane hearing capabilities. So through studying this mammal's ear scientists are able to understand the evolution that took place through mammals, from the most primitive to the most complex.

Sorry I couldn't get a picture, the website has these strict copyright stuff that wouldn't let me access the images.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History: http://www.carnegiemnh.org/news/09-oct-dec/100909maotherium.htm

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