Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Money, Money, Money

Although they roamed millions of years ago, the value of dinosaurs and knowledge about them keeps going up. Just a few weeks ago, at a Las Vegas auction, a Tyrannosaurus skeleton (nicknamed Samson) sold for $3.6 million. This is not shocking. Chicago's beloved SUE sold for $8.36 million dollars back in 1997, which equals around $11.6 million dollars in 2009. As for the knowledge of dinosaurs, palaeontologists are now able to specifically categorize the T-Rexs as well as learn other information about them. For example, the dino sold in Las Vegas appears to be a new t-Rex species according to some palaeontologists. Also, just last month, SUE was diagnosed with trichomonosis, a disease that also infects decendens of dinos, birds.

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