Monday, November 16, 2009

Leonid Meteor Shower

If your reading this, and it is tuesday the 17th of November, quick, go outside.  On tuesday, the Leonid meteor shower will begin.  Experts expect that in North America, we will see as many as 40 meteors an hour, while in  Asia, they could see as many as 250 meteors an hour.  These meteors are debris from the comet known as Tempel-Tuttle.  Every 33 years, the comet comes into the inner solar system, leaving a trail of debris in it's path.  Earth is about to cross paths with that debris, thus the meteor shower.  This is predicted to be a larger than normal meteor shower. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity you do not want to miss.  If you can, make it to a dark location for optimal viewing, but that will be tough for most of us since it is a school night...

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