Sunday, November 15, 2009

Water Found on the Moon!

When NASA sent a probe last month to crash into the moon and check of water, they found ice and water vapor. This is a significant find considering we now know water is on the moon. The Lunar crater observation and sensing satellite (LCROSS) mission was a complete success. The amount of water vapor and ice that was thrown up is the equivalent to twelve, two gallon buckets of water. Scientists say that the total amount of water found is approx 100kg of H20. Scientists are also excited because since they have found a significant amount of water they think that there is other water near by. The spot that they sent the rocket was a spot that is in the moon's south and is permanent shadow so people haven't been able to look for water there before. NASA is excited about the possibilities of resources that this water can be used for. They are thinking about using it simply as drinking water for astronauts, or even for rocket fuel (hydrogen and oxygen). They are also thinking of breaking it down to be used for air by crews on the moon. Scientists think that the water was left there from collisions by comets. It was kept there because of the cold temperatures (found to be -230 Celsius at the base of the crater) the water is stuck there. This discovery is very exciting for many people and it will be cool to see whats NASA is going to do with their new knowledge.

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