Monday, November 30, 2009

Volcano Quiz Answers

For my unit review I am posting the answers the volcano quiz that we took earlier.  Maybe some of these same questions will be on the test.

1.  A stratovolcano is formed by a series of alternating lava flows and pyroclastic eruptions.
2.  A volcano that has not erupted for hundreds of years but is expected to erupt again is considered dormant.
3. Mount St. Helens is an example of a composite, active volcano.
4. A strombolian eruption is characterized by lava sprays.
5. Tephra is evidence that Kilauea's past eruptions were once explosive.
6. An actual volcano not made of basalt would be a composite volcano because it is an explosive eruption and explosive eruptions have rhyolitic magma.
7. One would not find a volcano along a transform plate boundary.
8. A composite volcano typically has high viscosity, rhyolitic magma.
9.  Picture needed, but shows a volcano with a gentle slope created by lava build up, meaning a shield volcano.
10. The curse of Pele is a curse saying that if you take lava away from the Hawaiian Volcano National Park, you will have bad luck caused by the Goddess Pele.

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