Monday, November 30, 2009

Supervolcanoes and Eruptions

After watching that movie on super eruptions in class I was curious to see what other super volcanoes there are out there and when they last erupted. Also I was curious to learn more about these super volcanoes. There are seven other known super volcanoes out there: Lake Taupo, New Zealand, Lake Toba, Sumatra Indonesia, Whakamaru, New Zealand, Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming U.S., Island Park Caldera, Wyoming U.S., Kilgore Tuff, Idaho U.S., Blacktail Creek, Idaho U.S., and La Garita Caldera, Colorado U.S. After reading this list of all these super volcanoes I was extremely surprised to find how many are in the United States. The most recent eruption of a super volcano was 26,500 years ago and it was the eruption of Lake Taupo in New Zealand. The force of this eruption was said to be greater than the force of all the nuclear weapons combined created by man. After finding out that there are this many super volcanoes out there I am starting to get worried that one may erupt in my lifetime.

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