Sunday, November 22, 2009

Volcanoes vs. Humans

So, since we were talking about volcanoes, I thought it would be suiting for my weekly post to be on the same topic. In class we also briefly talked about geo-thermal heating, which is hopefully the direction the world is going to head in in terms of greener life styles. Anyways, this article I found talks about whether humans produce more green house gases or if volcanoes produce more. Steve, from London, England originally asked the question, and according to Scientific American, humans produce more. Now, to take a step back, the question was does one volcanic eruption from a large volcano (ie. Mount St. Helens or Mount Pinatubo) or all of the waste humans have/will produce in their existance produce more green house gases. Now for the mathematical data: the worlds' volcanoes emit about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year, where as humans emit about 24 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year. This article also claims that volcanic emissions only produce about 1% of the green house gases compared to what todays humans produce. So here are the facts, you be the judge and decide if you think this is true or not.

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