Monday, September 14, 2009

95 Worlds

Once in a lifetime experience...Three days in a spacecraft with two other people is not my idea of a party. But, now that we have finally landed on Earth’s moon, I am here to tell you that it is totally worth it! With two feet on the moon I scan across the horizon. It appears to go on forever, but realistically it is about the size of Russia, Canada, and the US combined. Enormous craters are visible everywhere I turn. They are the result of asteroids and comets colliding with the Moon’s surface. The ground has the consistency of snow, and to move around I have to hop from place to place to avoid falling. I am overwhelmed by the smell of gunpowder at first, but now I have adjusted. I cannot wait to start exploring, but first I should double check that I brought everything necessary for this expedition. I first check my body suit. Because the moon has no atmosphere I need to protect myself from other gasses, and things my body has not adapted to withstand. My body suit has to cover every part of me, nothing can be left exposed. But I am reminded that I wanted to move around, as I admire the flexibility of this body suit. This suit will regulate my body temperature to prevent me from getting too hot, or too cold, as the temperatures on the moon change very rapidly. I will also need a constant supply of oxygen, which I have access to by a long tube that stretched from the spacecraft to me. I am planning on collecting samples of the soil while I am on the moon, so I make sure that I have my soil sample containers. These must protect the soil from any outside contamination. But, I also want to have a little fun on the Moon! So I brought a Frisbee, because the gravity is less than Earth’s ultimate Frisbee was more extreme than ever! This has been one of the most exhilarating days of my life. I hope I get to journey back to the Moon soon!

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